
The Australian offers extensive coverage of the federal budget - from opinion columns to decoding the documents.

My preperation for the event includes joining editorial meetings to get an understanding of the stories that will be published, and learning how I can elevate digital storytelling. I then workshop and present visual themes, in collaboration with the writers and social media editors.

In the afternoon of the budget release, I went into lock-up with the editors and producers. While the journalists read through the budget documents, I worked with the producers to create visual representation of data, charts and important information to embed in the stories. I also collaborated with the social media editor to create explainers and content for the different platforms. All stories and assets are published the minute lock-up ends, so the work has to be done very quickly and under pressure.

This is a project I really enjoyed. I had a lot of creative freedom and lead the visual style. It was also great to experience lock-up and see all the hard work and creativity that goes into editorial coverage.
